GRANBY, Quebec—July 19, 2011—After an early pass of David Hébert for the race lead, Matt Sheppard dominated the rest of the Super DIRTcar Big-Block Series race from Autodrome Granby to pick up the win. (CLICK HERE FOR FULL RACE REPORT)
Super DIRTcar Big Block Series Race #7—Autodrome Granby, July 19, 2011 ‘Ste-Marie Centre du Camion 100’ Event Summary
Feature Results: 1. Sheppard (9S), 2. Johnson (27j)**, 3. Hearn (20), 4. Roy (90), 5. Decker (91), 6. Scagliotta (8), 7. Bernier (49), 8. M.Clair (1x), 9. Robidoux (46), 10. Wight (99l), 11. Haers (3), 12. Britten (21A), 13. Ledoux (12), 14. Bellinger (8R), 15. Phelps (98H), 16. Hébert (1H), 17. Chicoine (97), 18. Tomkins (4K), 19. Dufault (63), 20. Humes (0), 21. Sundborg (16), 22. Currier (10), 23. Gamache (74), 24. Lepage (99), 25. Bernard (54), 26. Terrance (66x), 27. Bussière (21), 28. Gougeon (44), 29. Boisvert (73), 30. D.Stacey (66W), 31. Planck (77X), 32. Bourgogne (20B), 33. Lalancette (98H), 34. Brouillard (3), 35. Sears (62), 36. Boissonneault (61),
**Johnson found light on the scales, penalties to be announced
Haers 1-23
Hebert 24
Sheppard 25-100
BILSTEIN FAST TIME AWARD: 91 Billy Decker 18.261 sec/98.571MPH
Heat Races (8 laps, top 3 went to redraw)
#1: Haers, Johnson, Bussiere, Roy, Dufault, Wight, Bourgogne, Lalancette, D.Stacey
#2: Decker, M.Clair, Tomkins, Gougeon, Ledoux, Currier, Lepage, Sundborg
#3: Sheppard, Planck, Hebert, Britten, Boisvert, Robidoux, Scagliotta, Bernard, Brouillard
#4: Hearn, Phelps, Bernier, Terrance, Gamache, Bellinger, Boissonneault, Chicoine, Humes, Sears
Autodrome Granby Super DIRTcar Big Block Series Race #7 Roster (37)
0 Dan Humes/Canaan,CT
1 David Hebert/St. Damase,QUE
1x Mario Clair/St-Edmond,QUE
3 Claude Brouillard/Tracy,QUE
3h Justin Haers/Phelps, NY
4K Gary Tomkins/Clifton Springs, NY
8 Rich Scagliotta/Bound Brook,NJ
8r Rob Bellinger/Dexter,NY
9s Matt Sheppard/Waterloo,NY
9ss Luke Whitteker/Iroquois, Ont
10 Tim Currier/Auburn,NY
12 Yannick Ledoux/Granby,QUE
16 Eric Sundborg/Granby,QUE
20 Brett Hearn/Sussex,NJ
20B Kevin Bourgogne/Granby,QUE
21 Yan Bussiere/Drummondville,QUE
21a Peter Britten/Brisbane,QLD
27j Danny Johnson/Rochester,NY
44 Sebastien Gougeon/Drummondville,QUE
46 Kayle Robidoux/St-Constant,QUE
49 Francois Bernier/St-Hyacinthe,QUE
54 Steve Bernard/St Paul Abbotsford,QUE
61 Jean Boissonneault/Granby,QUE
62 Tom Sears/Clay, NY
63 Dominic Dufault/Ste-Victoire,QUE
66w Dexter Stacey/Kahnawake,QUE
66X Carey Terrance/Hogansburg, NY
73 Alain Boisvert/Pointe-Claire,QUE
74 Frederic Gamache/Granby,QUE
77x Dale Planck/Cortland,NY
90 Martin Roy/Napierville,QUE
91 Billy Decker/Unadilla,NY
97 Michel Chicoine/Ste-Cecile de Milton,QUE
98h Jimmy Phelps/Baldwinsville,NY
98H Justin Lalancette/Cornwall, Ont
99L Larry Wight/Phoenix,NY
99 Bruno LePage/Maple Grove,QUE